I'm still not sure how they make 'Blendy' and 'Maxim' instant coffee here, in Japan. And it's the first time I've seen people buy liquid, syrupy sugar for their drinks. I don't think it's sold in the States...hmm. We usually buy Blendy, but it's amazing how expensive all of those instant coffee brands are!
Good news for me today! I found a missing earring while I was cleaning and reassembling the bed coverings and such. よかった!
I usually don't want Japanese television too much, at least when I'm by myself during the day. I just can't understand Japanese at the regular speed! I'm able to pick up words and simple phrases, but at this point, I'd love to have subtitles. I do have some favorite shows though. Actually, what I like is anything with my favorite ”お笑い” (owarai) duo called "Downtown", which features Hitoshi Matsumoto and Masatoshi Hamada.
More info on this comedy style: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owarai
Japanese TV looks freaking hilarious... and based off the few clips of shows I've seen on YouTube I think it would be awesome if they added a Japanese channel in on our basic cable package.
Hehe. Yeah that would be cool to get on your TV. I just wish I could get subtitles here darnit! Ugh..
Great Place to Get Liquid Sugar in the States
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